- Michael Baker, School of Music
- Emily Bergeron, Historic Preservation
- Renee Bonzani, Anthropology
- Christy Brady, Health and Clinical Sciences
- Julia Bursten, Philosophy
- Lauren Cagle, Writing, Rhetoric, and Digital Studies
- Liz Combs, Dietetics and Human Nutrition
- Fabiola Fernandez-Doig, Hispanic Studies
- Ryan Hargrove, Landscape Architecture
- Sarah Hawkins-Lear, Early Childhood, Special Education, and Counselor Education
- Lou Hirsch, Plant Pathology
- Peter Hislop, Mathematics
- Hayley Hoffman, Instructional Communication and Research, School of Information Science
- John Nash, Educational Leadership Studies
- Kimberly Parker, Integrated Strategic Communication
- Savannah Robin, Agricultural Economics
- Nazmus Sakib, Honors
- Bob Sandmeyer, Philosophy
- Jennifer Scarduzio, Communication
- Randall Siever, Business and Economics
- Haris Symeonidis, Hispanic Studies
- Alice Turkington, Geography
- Sarah Vos, Health Management and Policy
- Jackie Wahrmund, Animal and Food Sciences
- Matt Wilson, Geography
- Ozge Yalciner, Curriculum and Instruction