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25-26 TEK Faculty Fellows Call for Applications Now Available

Transdisciplinary Educational approaches to advance Kentucky (TEK) has released the application for the third cohort of its Faculty Fellows program. The program is designed to support faculty in developing new transdisciplinary courses and teaching existing courses with a more explicit focus on essential employability skills. The overall goal of TEK is to expand students’ access to transdisciplinary educational approaches for the development of transferable skills. 

TEK Hosts Resumé Lab

The Office of Transdisciplinary Education to advance Kentucky (TEK), in collaboration with The Stuckert Career Center, recently hosted a skills-based resumé lab in the TEK Collaboration Space at the W.T. Young Library.

New TEK Director Named

The Office of Transdisciplinary Educational approaches to advance Kentucky  is pleased to introduce Dr. Jennifer Osterhage as the new director of TEK. As part of the university’s Quality Enhancement Plan, the director of the program plays a critical role in continuing to revolutionize education and learning at UK. 

Spotlight on TEK at Pedagogicon

Faculty Fellows in the Transdisciplinary Educational approaches to advance Kentucky (TEK) participated in the 11th annual Pedagogicon, hosted by Eastern Kentucky University and the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE) Graduate Profile Academy on May 16.

24 -25 TEK Faculty Fellows Named

After soliciting applications during the spring semester, the University of Kentucky Office of Transdisciplinary Educational approaches to advance Kentucky (TEK) is pleased to announce the TEK Faculty Fellows for the 2024-25 academic year.

TEK now accepting applications for second cohort of Faculty Fellows

Transdisciplinary Educational approaches to advance Kentucky (TEK), is now accepting applications for the second cohort of its Faculty Fellows program. The program is designed to support faculty at the University of Kentucky in developing new transdisciplinary courses and teaching existing courses with a more explicit focus on essential employability skills. The overall goal of TEK is to expand our students’ access to transdisciplinary educational approaches for the development of transferable skills.

TEK to Host Community Partners for Networking Event

Join the Office of Transdisciplinary Educational approaches to advance Kentucky (TEK) and Provost DiPaola for a networking session with community partners. The session will take place from 4:00-5:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 6, in the TEK Office at the University of Kentucky William T. Young Library. 

TEK Faculty Fellows develop courses that focus on transdisciplinary and employability skills

This fall, the TEK Faculty Fellows are participating in faculty learning communities facilitated by the Center for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching (CELT). Through regular small group meetings, faculty explore approaches to transdisciplinary curricular and instructional approaches, including community partnerships, team teaching, assignment design and inquiry-based learning. Over the course of the academic year, TEK Faculty Fellows will work on their courses collaboratively, share ideas and feedback and continue to support each other as they teach their new and revised courses in the spring.

TEK Announces 2023-24 Faculty Fellows Cohort

Transdisciplinary Educational approaches to advance Kentucky, or TEK, challenges faculty and students to engage with complex, multidimensional and context-specific issues. Some have described these issues as “wicked problems” that exceed the capacity of any one framework, approach or perspective to provide an adequate or lasting solution. Moreover, TEK leverages these issues for students to develop essential employability skills, including the highly valued abilities to engage multiple points of view, reflect on growth, communicate ideas effectively and collaborate in teams.

TEK Faculty Fellows Call for Applications

TEK (Transdisciplinary Educational Approaches to Advance Kentucky), the University of Kentucky's new Quality Enhancement Plan, and the Center for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching are pleased to invite applications for the first cohort of TEK Faculty Fellows for the 2023-2024 academic year.

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