Students will have the opportunity to complete two new TEK courses, Discover and Engage that will be focused on developing essential workforce skills.
Discover allows students to participate in an introductory credit-bearing experience that utilizes transdisciplinary approaches to study a 21st century problem. Students will be exposed to transdisciplinary and workforce experts, from within UK as well as community partners who will help TEK students translate and recognize how many perspectives are used by multiple disciplines to solve both every day and global problems and propose potential solutions to these problems. Furthermore, students will be able to use this knowledge while exploring career-oriented pathways.
Engage allows students to participate in an advanced credit-bearing experience that involves working in teams, reflecting on their own growth, and exhibiting an ability to identify the ways in which transdisciplinary approaches can address a targeted Kentucky issue. In collaboration with community and campus partners, students will work as members of a team that generates and communicates knowledge through tangible products that address real-world and workforce problems.