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After soliciting applications during the spring semester, the University of Kentucky Office of Transdisciplinary Educational approaches to advance Kentucky (TEK) is pleased to announce the TEK Faculty Fellows for the 2024-25 academic year.

The 2024-25 TEK Faculty Fellows cohort is as follows:

  • Michael Baker, School of Music, College of Fine Arts;
  • Emily Bergeron, Historic Preservation, College of Design;
  • Renee Bonzani, Anthropology, College of Arts and Sciences;
  • Christy Brady, Health and Clinical Sciences, College of Health Sciences; 
  • Julia Bursten, Philosophy, College of Arts and Sciences;
  • Lauren Cagle, Writing, Rhetoric, and Digital Studies; College of Arts and Sciences;
  • Liz Combs, Dietetics and Human Nutrition; Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment;
  • Fabiola Fernandez-Doig, Hispanic Studies; College of Arts and Sciences;
  • Ryan Hargrove, Landscape Architecture, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment; 
  • Sarah Hawkins-Lear, Early Childhood, Special Education, and Counselor Education; College of Education;
  • Lou Hirsch, Plant Pathology, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment;
  • Peter Hislop, Mathematics, College of Arts and Sciences;
  • Hayley Hoffman, Instructional Communication and Research, School of Information Science; College of Communication and Information;
  • John Nash, Educational Leadership Studies; College of Education;
  • Kimberly Parker, Integrated Strategic Communication; College of Communication and Information; 
  • Savannah Robin, Agricultural Economics, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment;
  • Nazmus Sakib, Lewis Honors College;
  • Bob Sandmeyer, Philosophy, College of Arts and Sciences; 
  • Jennifer Scarduzio, Communication; College of Communication and Information;
  • Randall Siever, Gatton College of Business and Economics;
  • Haris Symeonidis, Hispanic Studies, College of Arts and Sciences; 
  • Alice Turkington, Geography, College of Arts and Sciences; 
  • Sarah Vos, Health Management and Policy, College of Public Health;
  • Jackie Wahrmund, Animal and Food Sciences, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment; 
  • Matt Wilson, Geography, College of Arts and Sciences; and
  • Ozge Yalciner, Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education. 

Read the full story in UKNow