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What is the difference between transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary?

A transdisciplinary approach to problem-solving transcends disciplinary boundaries to create novel ideas and solutions. A critical difference between transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches is that transdisciplinary approaches bring together people from academic and non-academic sectors very early and often in the problem-solving process to create and enact questions, frameworks, and methods.

What are the 10 essential workforce skills and how does TEK support the development of these skills?

In collaboration with higher education and workforce leaders throughout the state, the Kentucky Graduate Profile outlines 10 essential skills every postsecondary graduate should possess when entering the workforce. This initiative responds to a report from the Society for Human Resource Management highlighting that nearly 75% of employers struggle to find graduates with the soft skills their companies need. 

These competencies, along with technical and industry-specific knowledge, are designed to ensure graduates are prepared for success in the modern workplace. 

1. Communication

2. Critical thinking

3. Quantitative reasoning

4. Cultural competence

5. Adaptability

6. Professionalism

7. Civic engagement

8. Collaboration

9. Applied and integrated learning

10. Informed decision making

Transdisciplinary educational approaches engage students in activities that build each of these 10 Essential Skills. TEK focuses on and directly assesses the Essential Skills of critical thinking (multiple perspectives and reflection), communication, and collaboration.

To learn about how UK is addressing these 10 essential skills, visit WILDCAT WORKFORCE.

 More details about the 10 essential workforce skills can be found on CPE’s website here.

How do I apply to be a TEK faculty fellow?

Call for applications for TEK Faculty Fellows are released for the upcoming academic year in the spring of each year. 

Additional details about the TEK Faculty Fellows program, including eligibility, criteria for selection, and compensation, can be found here.

If you think you might be interested in the TEK Faculty Fellows program and have questions, please send an email to

Can I teach a TEK course in load?

TEK Faculty Fellows who prefer teaching a TEK course as part of their regular teaching load may do so if they have the written approval of their department chair and dean. 

How do I find a faculty partner?

SCHOLARS@UK is a database of research expertise from colleges, departments, disciplines, and centers & institutes at UK. Maintained through UK Research, SCHOLARS@UK allows you to explore unit research output (publications, creative work), sponsored grants & contracts, and individual scholar profiles. SCHOLARS@UK is a great place to start when identifying a faculty collaborator.

If you need assistance identifying a collaborator for a TEK course, please reach out to with details on a possible course topic and discipline partner.